Photos of the Kids

I’m really trying my best to clear out the ton of old media and stories I’ve got backed up from the past two months. Here are some photos and a video that have been just sitting here for a whole month, waiting to be posted. If you’ve been sneaking peaks at my Flickr and YouTube accounts, you may have seen them already. I’ll try and write those two pressing stories later this week (from Passover and Easter!).

Pussy Cat Pal
Pussy Cat Pal
Sleepy Mummy Snuggle
Sleepy Mummy Snuggle
Yes, That's A Bathtub
Yes, That’s A Bathtub
Butterfly Face
Butterfly Face
Emily (33 months) and Sebastian (3 months) are insane.
And we have to live with them.

5 thoughts on “Photos of the Kids

  1. All you need is some padding on the walls. . .which you could totally do with some cotton batting, sever nice batik scarves, and a staple gun. . .

    The children are lovely!

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