Emily Through The Years

In preparation for Emily’s upcoming birthday, I have started a new photo album on my Facebook page where I will be uploading two delightful photos from each month of Emily’s joyous life, covering three months everyday for the next week+. If my calculations are correct (and they rarely are), I should catch up to the present two year marker just a couple of days before her actual birthday on the 6th.

I have been very reluctant to upload photos to Facebook, mostly out of stubbornness and laziness. I already upload all of my quality photos to Flickr with lo-res versions here on the blog, but I can’t help but feel that many people don’t actually know that this site exists. Plus there’s the fact that I have only recently been reunited with many ghosts from my past and I’d like to catch them up. Rest assured that there will never be any Facebook-exclusive photos. Faithful readers of this blog will continue to receive the latest and greatest photos from the entire Barcelona chapter of the Zamrycki family just as you’ve enjoyed up till now.

5 thoughts on “Emily Through The Years

  1. Hi, Joshua!

    I’m a brasilian woman. Me and my mother always watched Emily’s videos. We love babies, but Emily is a special girl! She is very inteligente, is very interesting, and too much beautiful. And you are very interested and polite father.


    (excuse-me by my bad english)

    Best regards

  2. Obrigado, Regina 🙂

    I’m glad you enjoy watching Emily. We do too! I’m very happy that this blog spreads a little happiness around the world. I know my mom would agree. Thank you for letting me know that you are watching. It inspires me to keep sharing.

    Joshua & Jan & Emily

  3. Thank you for answering my comment.

    Really, your blog and pictures of Emily in the You Tube make us a little more happy. Thank you so much!!

    We want to congratulate Emily, you and Jan the anniversary of Emily!

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