Man In Bathroom #2

What has two thumbs and will be appearing in the next Robert De Niro, Sigourney Weaver film? This guy!!

Yes, following up from my audition for the film Red Lights, I got a call yesterday offering me the role of Man In Bathroom #2. It’s only one day of shooting, I don’t share the scene with any of the stars, and my character’s name is Man In Bathroom #2, but it’s Robert Frickin’ De Niro and Sigourney Flippin’ Weaver! And I even have a line!! Plus, four of my friends also got walk-on roles in the film, including Man In Bathroom #1. So I’m stoked. I film at the end of March. This is going to do wonders for my IMDb page.

10 thoughts on “Man In Bathroom #2

  1. I just can’t wait for your star to be added on La Rambla. Ooops! I mean Hollywood Blvd. How about an addition to be the replacement for Regis ? Break a leg.

  2. Josh… I just read this and am cracking up. Man in Bathroom #2… fantastic! Congratulations! (Didn’t Joey Tribbiani once play Al Pacino’s butt?)

    @Mom: GROOOOANNNN!!! Ha ha ha! 🙂

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