Jan’s Birthday 2010 – In Pictures

Hey, wanna see the lovely photos I took at Jan’s birthday this year?

My Birthday Girl
My Birthday Girl

Yes, I know Jan’s birthday was in April. I’m working on catching up. I swear.

Not celebrating a birthday that is evenly divisible by 5, we didn’t break the bank on this year’s party. God, that sounds so romantic. Anyway, we invited a gaggle of close friends to join us for an impromptu picnic in the verdant gardens of Barcelona’s noble Montjuic. It was a beautiful day, we were in a beautiful setting, and surrounded by beautiful people. Children frolicked, tales were told, wine was guzzled, and memories were made. I took many photos that day, but I must admit that most of them were of people whose last name rhymes with Ham Ricky. If you’d like to view a smattering of these jolly photos, just click on the following link and be whisked away:
**Fancy-shmancy full-screen slideshow**

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