Moving HP Barcelona

This is where I work:

I have no idea where I was when this was planned and executed. I had no idea it was happening. I wish I knew. Looks like it was fun.

As you can see, I share the site with about 2000 other people. The place is like a college campus. Some of the members of my team (LFP Marketing) can be seen on the second half of the steps at around 4:12 of the video.

I like my job.

3 thoughts on “Moving HP Barcelona

  1. how is it possible that you were not a part of this? U must have been gutted not to be in on the Biggest office party ever…x

    1. I was gutted. But then I found out that only HP employees were allowed to participate anyway. I’m a freelance contractor. Of the 2000 people that work on site here, only half are actually employees. Oh well. Next time 🙂

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