Cat Burglar Alert

Here’s a little note to all you budding cat burglars out there: we’ll be out of our house for most of the month of December. That’s right, we’ve just booked our December travel plans!

Our adventures begin just two days after we close The Snapping Turtle’s Lament when we’ll be flying to Florida on December 7. We’ll be splitting our time between my Nana’s house, my Mom’s, and my Dad’s. We’ll have two full weeks to soak up the winter sun in Miami and Tampa before we fly back to Barcelona on December 19. I hope we’ll be able to sort out our jet lag in 48 hours because we then fly to England on December 22. After our traditional Christmas with Jan’s parents and a few snowball fights, we fly back to Barcelona on December 28, just in time for New Year’s grapes and Cava in Catalunya.

Sebastian turns two in February so we might book another trip for Reyes at the beginning of January before we have to pay full fare for all four of us. Four full fare tickets from then on! Not cool.

So, anyone planning on being in the North Miami Beach area? Or Tampa? Or Outwell? Let’s set a play date!

2 thoughts on “Cat Burglar Alert

  1. Saturday afternoon December 11, my house for belated Hannukah with brisket and potato latkes. Can’t wait. Sent invite to all the family. I started new job with proper law firm so I will only be available weekends. But I get off at 4:30 so we shall see what other plans we can make. Love to all.

  2. we are going down near that area in the week’s lead up to Christmas, and would be great to see you lovely people… but most likely it would be ON the 22nd or the 23rd.
    xx let us know if that might work for you. Facebook message me your numbers.

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