A Star in the Sky

While tucking Emily into bed tonight:

Me: You know, grandma and granddad are coming tonight.

Emily: I want to see them.

Me: They won’t be coming until late tonight. You’ll see them in the morning. We’ll have breakfast together.

Emily: I want grandma and granddad to come and pick me up from school tomorrow.

Me: They can do that.

Emily: Actually, I just want grandma to come.

Me: OK…

Emily: Because granddad is old. And grandma is not old.

Me: Well, they’re both a little old… Just like I’m a little old. And you’re a little old.

Emily: Yeah. I’m a little old. But they’re not old. Like four years old. They’re not four years old. They’re older.

Me: That’s right. They’re a little bit older. And granddad just doesn’t walk very well. That’s why grandma can come and pick you up from school.

Emily: And when you’re really old, you become a star in the sky.

Me: Yes, but only when you’re really really old.

Emily: Yeah. When you die. (thinking) When granddad dies, grandma will be all alone.

Me: Maybe. Or maybe she’ll live with someone else, like Auntie Sue or Auntie Liz. Or maybe she will live alone. We don’t know.

Emily: Or maybe she’ll get a new granddad.

Me: Yes, that sometimes happens, too. But we don’t have to worry about that because grandma and granddad are not really old and they’re just fine and they’ll be coming to our house tonight and we’ll see them in the morning and we’ll have breakfast with them.

Emily: (thinking… and then smiling) OK.

2 thoughts on “A Star in the Sky

  1. I love the way you can almost see the 4 year old mind ticking away, so desperate to understand the world but still mentally ill equipped to do so (in relative terms of course, these modern 4 year olds sure are knowing!). I hope she keeps schtum when she sees granddad tomorrow!

  2. Wrinkle Wrinkle little star…..
    I know I still owe you that Superdad photo you liked so much but every time I remember I’m at my desk at work and my photo pen drive is at home. At some point the two will come together, I promise. x

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