Fate sent me to see Regina Spektor in concert this week. She was fantastic.

I’ve never really been a big Regina Spektor fan. But that’s just because I never stopped to listen. The universe appears to believe that I would really dig her because I have been slowly channeled in her direction for years now.
I probably never would have even heard a single song of hers if my friend Josh hadn’t recommended I give her a listen back in 2009. And I did. And I liked what I heard. But apparently not enough to seek out more. But the seed was planted.
So when I saw on last.fm a couple of months ago that she was to play in Barcelona, I thought, “Why the heck not?”. But with Bat Boy and life happening, it soon slipped off my radar.
And then last week my friend Ayesha posted on Facebook that she had a couple of extra tickets to the concert and I took it as a sign that I was meant to go. So I asked around if anyone wanted to go with me. I wasn’t about to go by myself. But nobody wrote back so I accepted that it just wasn’t meant to be.
And then, the day before the concert, my friend Jonathan called and said he’d be interested in going to the concert with me if I was still up for it. I called Ayesha, secured the tickets, and we were locked in.
And I’m so glad I went. Regina was charming and humble and amazingly talented and funny and cute and emotional and confident and she totally rocked. The concert was sublime.
High point of the concert:
Low point of the concert: being surrounded by obsessively fanatic 22-year-old American girls.
“Low point of the concert: being surrounded by obsessively fanatic 22-year-old American girls.” Did it make you feel old?
A bit. What it really made me feel was the desire to kill one of them. The one that was singing along so loud that it was sometimes difficult to hear Regina singing.