The Cause of the Pause

It looks like I stopped regularly blogging about three months ago. Damn. That was about the time that The Foreigner kicked into high gear and everything else in my life just stopped. Every time I produce a play it manages to monopolize 88% of my free time, I stop blogging, we perform the show, it is amazing, then I come here to apologize for the lack of blog activity. But we closed The Foreigner a little over a month ago and I haven’t even been back to apologize. What’s that all about? I’ve given this some thought and here are the top 10 things I can blame for not blogging as much as I would have liked in the past month:

  1. As the kids grow up, they’re demanding more and more of our time.
  2. I’m overwhelmed by the thousands of topics I’d like to blog about and don’t know where to begin.
  3. I’ve been making an extra effort recently to be more social. I never go out anymore!
  4. I’m trying to dig myself out of a one-year photo-uploading backlog.
  5. Facebook.
  6. Guitar Hero.
  7. We’re plowing through all the TV series we had been meaning to watch. 30 Rock, Archer, Boardwalk Empire, Dollhouse, Game of Thrones, Modern Family: check!
  8. I’m addicted to mobile gaming.
  9. I was so excited that I had sold my original musical to a big-time Broadway producer that I ran out to the street and got hit by a taxi. I woke up in a hospital with total amnesia, but I knew I wasn’t Mr. Enrico Tortellini of Passaic, New Jersey.
  10. I’m a lazy s.o.b.

7 thoughts on “The Cause of the Pause

    1. I may have joined the GH train a little late in the game, but I am on board now and loving it! Seriously, I love it. Not only that, but I rock.

      1. If you insist than you should get Rock Band – Emily could sing along while you play and Sebastian can jam on the drums.

        1. No, Marcy… I *have* Guitar Hero. Band Hero, actually. I bought it for the kids (yeah, right). Emily loves it. At first she would only sing Walking On Sunshine. Then she finally agreed to play the drums to the same song. Now she’s branched out to Maroon 5. Still not up for the guitar, though. Sebastian isn’t allowed near the game. He hangs like a monkey from the drum set and hits the guitar with the drumsticks. We make him watch the rest of us playing.

  1. #1 – Couldn’t be, not my little boy.
    #2 – New Jersey, musical – well stranger things happen.
    and on and on – yeah yeah yeah . . .
    No matter what the reason, we miss your blogging, now get back to work. More pictures and videos. Love you.
    Mom aka Nana Adrian

  2. That list could be one of David Letterman’s Top Ten List. What’s all this about getting struck by a cab? I hope no bones were broken. I pray you will take much better care of yourself as you have many depending upon you. Get off the mobile gaming too. It’s worse than texting. There’s far more to life than mobile gaming.
    Thanks for the “Get Well” phone call last week. Surgery has successfully gotten me on my feet again.

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