Emily’s Graduation/Birthday/Summer Party

The 50 families of Emily’s grade at school try to get together once a month to celebrate all of the birthdays from that month. We usually plan a little party after school in one of the parks in the neighborhood and everyone chips in for snacks and gifts for the kids celebrating. The June birthday party was celebrated last week and just so happened to coincide with their last day of school, bringing the festiveness of the event to a special high.


Congratulations on graduating P4, Emily. Next year: P5!

I took some pictures at the party. Wanna see a bunch of photos of kids you probably don’t know? Here ya go!

5 thoughts on “Emily’s Graduation/Birthday/Summer Party

  1. Fantastic photos Josh!!!!! All the classmates are so cute… but obviously my favorite faces are Emily’s and Sebastian’s!!!! Also, I am laughing out loud at the below videos. I just adore you guys and really should make a trip over there asap! xox cousin eri Happy belated birthday jan!

    1. Thanks, Erica! And you know you’re always welcome here. Emily and Sebastian would love to have you stay with us if you’re ever in the neighborhood 🙂

  2. Great party. Wish I were there to share the joy. All that’s missing are the sounds of children having an obviously wonderful time. Keep up the good work.

  3. What language do they speak when they get together like that? They obviously are having a ball. I am so happy to see all the kids together, especially my grandchildren.

    1. The common language at school is Catalan. It’s what is spoken at school all the time. Some kids who come from Spanish-speaking homes flip back and forth between the two but it usually isn’t a problem for them to be understood, even by kids who don’t ever speak Spanish (like Emily).

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