Letter To My Wife

Dear Jan,

It’s been more than three days since you went to England, leaving me alone with the two kids. My god, has it only been three days? It feels like an eternity.

I just wanted to let you know how we are and what we’ve been up to. I know that you may have been a bit freaked out when you called and I rushed you off the phone because of “the blood.” That was just Sebastian’s lower lip. He crashed the scooter in the long hallway. He’s fine.

Emily’s last day of school for this trimester was Friday. I got to the playground just on time to pick her up. But she wasn’t there. In fact, her entire class wasn’t there. I spent a little while searching around, pretending that I was a responsible parent, before I finally asked someone and they told me that they were upstairs in their classroom waiting for the parents. Ah! So Sebastian and I raced upstairs and picked up Emily and the metric ton of artwork/classwork she had created this past trimester. There is an amazing study on the life and work of Joan Miró that you must see when you get home on Tuesday.

Saturday was pretty crazy. After a morning of dance performances and coloring in the living room, we went out for lunch at Fresco with Cata et al. before I snuck off to rehearsal for a few hours and they all spent the afternoon at the zoo. I met them later that evening at Cata’s house where the kids ate chicken and rice and I had to stop Sebastian from kicking the cat. We got home very late and the kids crashed without issue. I watched the second half of the Barça/Madrid match and fell asleep on the couch with a slice of pizza on my lap.

Sunday was pretty tiring. After a morning of science experiments and teaching stuffed animals how to read in the living room, we went up to Parc Güell with Cata et al. before trekking all the way back down to Gracia and dining on the outdoor terrace outside the Mexican restaurant next to Verdi Park. Emily discovered her love for guacamole and I rekindled mine for margaritas. We then went back to Cata’s house where the kids ate chicken and rich and I had to stop Sebastian from kicking the dog. We got home very late and Sebastian was a nightmare to put to bed.

Tomorrow, the plan is to bring the kids with me to a sound studio where I have to record some voices for a movie trailer in the morning, and then maybe spend the afternoon in the pool at the gym.

The bathroom still smells of cologne.

Oh yeah, and happy birthday!

One thought on “Letter To My Wife

  1. Glad to hear Sebastian is fine and Emily has good taste. Yummmm guacamole. Or any avocado-based anything…

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