Josh’s Birthday Lipdub

This is how I decided to celebrate my birthday this year:

It was a crazy idea that somehow got planted in my head ages ago and refused to leave me in peace until I did something about it. Thank goodness I have the right mix of nutty (and trusting) friends to humor me and play along.

So thank you, everyone who helped make this happen. To all of you who showed up, having no idea what a lip dub was or what I would be asking of you. To all of you who brought shiny wigs, plastic swords, and over-sized glasses. To all of you who rocked out like superstars to my terrible singing while I squatted and ran behind that wimpy boombox. To all of you who babysat, sat in boats, painted signs, toiled off-camera, got dirty, got bored, and got cold. To all of you: thank you.

Same time next year?

35 thoughts on “Josh’s Birthday Lipdub

  1. that is not me. you are all yourselves, but that is definitely not me….
    this was great fun… next time different place, different song.


  2. I’m recommenting because I jumped the gun commenting before: That was so much fun! I was wrecked from all the running around, memorizing, laughing and jumping up and down. Still pulling long purple wig hairs off me and washing red feather boa stains from my neck. Kudos, Joshโ€ฆ fantastic first time out!!! xx AmJan

      1. Derek, I shall take that as a compliment… or, shake that as a compliment (terrible pun especially for you and JoshZam).

  3. Josh, I can understand you being grateful for all your nutty friends!! It was so amazing watching this, and great to see some familiar faces. Happy birthday!! I need to book a flight next year for your next birthday lipdub ๐Ÿ˜‰ xxx

  4. That’s my son. what a great birthday present to yourself, to me, to all your friends.
    Another feather in your hat and accomplished with pizzazz. Yup, that’s my kid.
    Happy birthday !!!!!!!
    Absolutely Fabulous dahling.

    Respecto a la BCN Massiff!

    Guys you don’t know how much that made me just want to jump about the streets of Reading town in my Pajamas.

    Absolutely fantastic. I love you all!! xxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. I need you to send this to Tosh.O – better yet. I’m sending it. I need to see your crazy amazing theatrical ridiculousness on television.
    Happy Birthday!

  7. It was such fun!!! I’ve watched it sooo many times… I want to do it again! Can you celebrate your b-day again soon? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Josh, just enjoyed looking at this again! Crazy fun time, and definitely need to do that again in February.


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