Josh’s Birthday Lipdub Results

Hello, rock stars!

Thank you, everyone, for voting! The polls are now closed and we have our winners. This Sunday, February 13, we will be singing Hey Ya by Outkast in the Parc del Laberint d’Horta (Labyrinth Park)!! Probably.

The vote for the song actually ended in a tie between Hey Ya and Blame it on the Boogie, so I subtracted the votes cast by friends and family from other countries who won’t be with us on Sunday. It only seemed fair.

The Labyrinth Park won convincingly, but I need to now scope out the location and make sure we’re allowed to film there and that there’s a decent lunch option nearby. If there are any problems, we’ll have to settle for the runner up (Parc de la Ciutadella). I’ll confirm everything in a couple of days. But mark your calendar, nonetheless!

In the meantime, you might as well start to familiarize yourself with the song. Here are the song and the lyrics. But don’t worry about memorizing the whole thing. We’ll each only have a very small portion in the final video and I don’t want anyone to get sick of the song before Sunday.

I’m very happy that so many people are excited about this little experiment of mine. I really hope it turns out well and, more importantly, that we have fun doing it! The truth is, I have no idea what’s going to happen 🙂

3 thoughts on “Josh’s Birthday Lipdub Results

  1. That was so much fun! I’m wrecked from all the running around, memorizing, laughing and jumping up and down. Still pulling long purple wig hairs off me and washing red feather boa stains from my neck. Kudos, Josh… fantastic first time out!!! xx AmJan

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