Jardins de Joan Brossa – In Pictures

Hey, wanna see the lovely photos I took at Barcelona’s Jardins de Joan Brossa last May?

Swamp Thing
Swamp Thing

It was a beautiful spring day – the kind that Barcelona is famous for – so we got together with a couple of other families and spent a few hours chilling and hiking up on the always-scenic Montjuïc. We started off in a playground with lots of things to do for the kids and lots of mud for Sebastian. Then we proceeded to march up the hill, past squeaky jumping pads, the circle of friends, and countless look-out points affording a breathtaking view of the city. Of course we had to stop for ice cream at the top. And a super bonus was finding some wicked-long slides behind the snack hut! Then down past some sweet fountains before we took the train home. A very nice day.

And now, before I send you off to look at these photos, I’d like to introduce you to my shiny new slideshow button! I really am prouder of this button than I probably should be, but I’ve been meaning to make one for the longest time. Yes, it’s a bit gaudier and much bigger than necessary, but that was kinda the point. I know that some people don’t notice the text-only links I sometimes put in these entries leading to my gorgeous slideshows (hi, GG!), so this should pretty much avoid that ever happening again. OK, enough talk, just click on the shiny button below to see these photos already (but don’t forget to marvel at the rollover first):

2 thoughts on “Jardins de Joan Brossa – In Pictures

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