Salutations, Tenors!
I hope everyone’s batteries are recharged after this past holiday week and subsequent rehearsal-free weekend. It’s been non-stop here in the Jocular front office, but I guess I’ve got no one to blame but myself 🙂
First and foremost, I would like to thank our valuable team members whose efforts take place mostly behind the scenes and don’t always receive the recognition they deserve.
Rosa has been dreaming with the show and is doing her all to make sure that you all look absolutely fabulous when we open next month. If you haven’t met with her already, prepare for a visit from the costume fairy. You should know what costumes we’re looking for so you can, you know, go look for it! We want you all looking gorgeous and rehearsing in your final costumes by May 1 at the latest.
Joe has been feverishly brainstorming publicity schemes and is hard at work developing a fabulous poster to draw in the masses. Think “art deco”. Oh no, I’ve already said too much. We should have posters and flyers for you to diligently distribute in the coming weeks.
Ed has been measuring and planning and sketching and designing our grandiose set (to fit into our big new theater!). While we’re prancing around playing silly theater games this Saturday, Ed will be chopping down an entire forest to build our elegant hotel suite – and doors.
Siavash has been meticulously maintaining our props (search) list while, at the same time, assembling the musical accompaniment for this theatrical extravaganza. Have you found all your props yet? Starting this Saturday, if a prop appears in one of the scenes we’re rehearsing, I’d like to have it there! Pretending to throw vases and drop suitcases only works for so long. I imagine we’ll have our sound effects ready for the 1st of May. Huzzah!
What a great team we have.
Oh yeah, and then there’s our actors. Anyone feel like fleshing out some of these scenes we’ve been blocking? Good, me too. Here’s where we’ll begin Phase 2:
Saturday, April 10
Acting Act 1 Scene 1 – pages 11 to 31
11:00 am: Ben, Jo, Hunter, Julian, Nicole, AlexSunday, April 11
Acting Act 1 Scene 1 – pages 32 to 52
10:00 am: Ben, Jo, Hunter, Julian, NicolePlease note that Sunday’s rehearsal is called for 10:00 instead our usual 11. We will continue to rehearse at the Riereta until further notice.
I know I promised shorter emails. Maybe next time.
Please reply to this email RIGHT NOW to confirm that you have received, read, and understood this weekend’s schedule and these instructions.
Thank you,
The Managementps – off book yet?
Ha! The management! Love it.
PS: From the previous post – I giggled at that photo for quite some time. Let’s hope Emily doesn’t realize Daddy blogged all of her embarrassing growing up moments :).