Dammit, I gotta break this dry spell. I get into this viscous circle of not posting, planning too many amazing (and long-winded) posts in my head, then feeling overwhelmed by all the things I should be writing about, and then not knowing which to attempt first and so I just don’t write. I need to just write something. Anything! Even if it has nothing to do with the many amazing stories currently clogging my brain.
I’ve also fallen behind with uploading my photos. I’ve got a backlog dating back to the beginning of 2010! But here’s one of my favorites from January:
As I’ve promised umpteen times before, I’ll try and write more frequent short posts and then I won’t feel so bad about not getting around to the long ones. Maybe I’ll post a poll asking which “long” stories you’d like to read about. If there’s anyone still reading this page…
She’s gonna kill you when she reaches 12. but I, personally, love the photo.
Missing you all, loving from afar.
I must say, every picture tells a story, don’t it. I think she’ll kill by 11 not 12 as your Mom may think. God help us all. Keep up the good work son.