Emily in the Morning

I woke Emily up this morning (as I do every morning) and she quickly hid under her covers to avoid the morning sun (as she does most mornings). So I followed her under the covers and, in an effort to wake her up, said, “Wow! Look at this cave! Is this your cave? Is there a party going on down here? Is it a cave party? Can I come? Will there be dancing at the cave party? Do you wanna dance now?” Sleepy half-asleep Emily just looked at me blankly and used her first words of the day to say, “You look like Winnie The Pooh.” I LOL’ed.

So who should show up next but our friendly neighborhood Sebastian. He climbs up on the bed with us and starts jumping. You know, because it’s morning. He’s jumping a little too close to the edge of the bed so Emily lunges for him and grabs his ankle. She tells me, “I stopped him from falling off the bed.” So I said, “Wow, you must really love him a lot.” And Emily informs me, “Yeah. We’re gonna get married. Not now because we’re little. So we can only get married like pretend. But when I’m bigger and Sebastian is bigger, then we’re gonna get married for real.” Very cute.

And speaking of cute…

Emily (3 years, 7 months) shows us how she writes her name. She can do it little, too. She does it big now but, later, then big.

Emily has no trouble writing the letter A, but fails to mention its contribution in each spelling. Poor letter A.

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