Hey, wanna see the lovely photos I took while my dad came to visit in November?
In my recent photo-organizational whirlwind, I discovered that I had never posted any info about my dad’s trip to visit us a couple of months ago. What a terrible oversight and in no way a commentary on the wonderful time we had while he was here. It was so nice to have time for him to get to know Emily and Sebastian better and vice versa. It’s hard not being able to see family as often as we’d like.
So here are some photos from when we went to the beaches at Sitges, hung out around the house with fairies and chocolate, got lost in the mountains on our way to a fantastic rustic lunch, discovered Gaudi around town on our way to visit the Sagrada Familia, and frequented our local diner (more than once!). Just click on the following link and be whisked away:
**Fancy-shmancy full-screen slideshow**