Pull And Bear It

So, I’m recording a Web ad for Pull&Bear this morning in a recording studio when… what is that, a helicopter? Cut! Hold on a second… OK, it’s gone. Let’s try that again.

So, I’m recording a Web ad for Pull&Bear… another helicopter? Come on! OK, let’s go again.

So, I’m recording a Web ad… for the love of God!!! Another helicopter?! What the frick?

So, we finally finish the 1-minute Web ad and look out the window to find out why there are so many darned helicopters buzzing past the recording studio and we see a throng of people gathered all around Plaza Lesseps. We head out into the plaza to find out what all the hubbub is about.

And 177 men on bikes go whizzing past us.

We cheer and they’re gone. 10 seconds. Maybe. I saw the Tour de France race through my town today. I think.

5 thoughts on “Pull And Bear It

      1. yes but surely you only eat mushed up peas and other liquids as they are easier to swallow with out ur false teeth and digest with ur aged intestines?

        I was merly suggesting the Josh would be more suited to perhaps advertising rogaine or life insurance?….

        1. Me? I’m the young guy! The fresh voice! I’ve got my finger on the pulse. I’m who you want when you’re targeting the youth demographic. I’ll sell you PlayStations and digital cameras and cell phones. Or some of that soda pop that I hear you kids are crazy about nowadays.

  1. 177 people on bikes go by in ten seconds? Good thing you didn’t wander into the middle of the street to look up into the sky!

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