Four Months, Living Large

Sebastian went to the pediatrician for his four month check up yesterday. They laughed at him. They laughed because he is so big. He’s not freakishly big or anything, but he’s solid.

Boy On Blue

How big is he? His growth chart says that he’s 63 cm (25 in) tall (long?) and weighs 7.5 kg (16.5 lb). Absolutely average height (length?) and his weight is about halfway between average and morbidly obese.

Boy On Beige

One thing that hasn’t changed is Sebastian’s placid disposition. I think we sometimes forget how lucky we are to have such a laid back and sunny tempered gentle giant. Especially given Emily’s rambunctious and frenetic pace, getting stuck with a fussy baby or a crying baby or a sicky baby would have buried us long ago. He just likes to sit there and watch the world go by and, every once in a while, he’ll give you a big ole gummy grin and a high-pitched giggle. It doesn’t get any better than that.

Boys In Hats

9 thoughts on “Four Months, Living Large

  1. oooohhhhh – he looks like a wee lil Michelin baby!

    (Paul was just about the same size at that age – just a few ounces and tenths of an inch smaller. . .)

  2. you were no light weight when you were his age. Such a happy baby, can’t wait to see him in September

  3. We just checked Natalie´s chart: 4 months, 67 cm and 8 kg. Anyway, she still continues to be tall for her age, but it does not bother her.

    As a boy I can only magine this is a huge advantage. Boys like hitting with sticks, while girls are usually using dad´s credit card to their advantage by the time boys have figured out how to count.

    If Natalie can´t find a boyfriend later, maybe Seb can be her younger lover.

    We can provide a good dowry.

    Keep the photos coming….

  4. Great smiles and chuckles…I remember those chubby times with Kalil when he was 4 or 5 months…lots of mama’s milk and 24/7 attention from his doting family. I’d be smiling too!

  5. so I pulled out Nate’s info after reading what Sebastian was and he and Nate are running the same pace with weight and height. See I told you I love the chunks!

  6. I think Spanish babies are typically smaller than American babies. Probably because so many moms drink and smoke and don’t breastfeed. Viva los chunks!!

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