Zamrycki Summer 2009 World Tour

Watch this space as new tour dates are added. The Zamrycki family just might be coming to your town!

The fun begins the minute Emily’s school goes on summer holiday. Already on the hit list are the stunning beaches of the beautiful island paradise of Menorca, the razzle-dazzle of the city that never sleeps – New York, and Outwell, England (they have creeks!). Here’s how it’s gonna go down:

July 17 – last day of summer school
July 18-25 – England
August ? (TBA) – Menorca
August 27 – September 10 – New York
September 14 – first day of school

Negotiations are currently underway to tack Germany onto the end of this list but talks are still in the early stages.

Would you like to spend some time with your favorite Zamrycki while they’re in your town? Get in touch now and make your reservation!

12 thoughts on “Zamrycki Summer 2009 World Tour

  1. Hi. I am hoping to place a reservation for Josh (and family, if possible) for New York in August. Do you happen to have any availability?

    1. Your request has been officially filed with the proper department and a reply will be sent when the petition has been processed. If, for any reason, your request is denied, just let me know cause it’s been like a million frickin’ years since I’ve seen you and I’ll make it happen!!!

  2. I want Emily, not necessarily my favorite Zamrycki, but the most fun to play with. we will be booking Cookie’s place to stay with you since we will only be in New York for the Labor Day weekend. did you say first come first served??? Of course I do need time with Sebastian and you and Jan too. Maybe you and Jan can spend some quality time together while Phil and I take the kids from you.

    1. We can’t wait to see you, mom. Emily is all yours! We’ll see where Sebastian is at in August but I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to take him too. Thanks for the generous (yet wonderfully selfish) offer 🙂

  3. Well, I’m not sure when, but somewhere around Labor Day I’ll be in NY!!!!! With you guys!!! YAY!

    1. With just one week in Old Blighty, I’m afraid we won’t have enough time to make it down to Brighton this time. I wish we could!!! It would be great to see you and the gang. I guess you’ll just have to come down to Barcelona 🙂

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