Monky Business

A Tibetan monk walks into a sandwich shop and says to the guy behind the counter, “Make me one with everything”. The guy makes the sandwich, hands it to the monk, and says, “That’ll be $4”. The monk hands the guy a 20 dollar bill, the guy put it in the cash register and just sits there. After a while, the monks stares at the guy and says, “And my change?”. The guy looks the monk in the eyes and replies, “Change comes from within”.

That joke was the basic premise of a short film that I shot today. A friend of mine, Peter, contacted me last night and asked if I’d be interested in acting in this short film competition that he had entered. They had 72 hours to script, storyboard, scout a location, cast, costume, design light and sound, shoot, and edit a 3-minute short based on the theme of “change”. It sounded like a hoot so I agreed. There were only two actors in the piece and I was the one wearing the Tibetan robes. I even buzzed my head a bit closer than usual for the part. I enjoyed being at one with the universe as I totally zenned out during the breakneck four-hour shoot. I even got to walk around the city barefoot for a while. I look forward to seeing the finished product. If they let me, I’ll post (or link) a copy of the video.

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