Mind Explosion

Emily experienced a bit of a mind explosion today. In retrospect, it’s probably been building up for a while now. She’s been swinging between moments of developmental brilliance and frustrating regression. But today, Jan picked Emily up from school and was told by her teacher that, after spending the first eight months of daycare speaking to everyone in nothing but rapid-fire English, Emily decided to start speaking in Catalan. And not just a few random words. Complete sentences!

We’ve seen this before with her songs. She hears a song a bunch of times but never shows any interest in attempting to sing it. Then she’ll turn around one day and just sing the entire thing. She must be practicing in her bedroom at night when no one’s listening.

Here are a few pictures from a recent trip to the park:

Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones

Da Gals
Emily and Cata: Da Gals

On A Bench
Tom and Emily On A Bench

3 thoughts on “Mind Explosion

  1. Isn’t it amazing to watch the brain develop–this has always fascinated me!! Good for Emily:-)

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