Closing Out March

Now that April is over and I haven’t uploaded a single photo from this entire month (and I have plenty), I thought it was a good time to get the last few snapshots I took in March up on the interwebs. I can’t even think about April until I do. Must be chronological. That’s just how I roll.

We spent a wonderful day with Sophie. First, we met in a little park downtown for some sunny slide action.

Battle Cry For Slides

Marina showed up in her ballerina outfit. She and Emily played very well together.

Swiss Cheese

Then we headed back to meet George at Sophie’s house where we were joined by Amber and Andreu and their new son Mateu (who is just a few weeks older than Sebastian) and our friend Emma who offered to cook us a few of the new recipes she had recently discovered in Morocco. Again, Emily followed Marina around and learned a few big-girl games like makeup.

Pucker Up

And then, on another occasion, we met up with Ed and Basia in a nearby garden just after a healthy rainstorm.


It gave Emily and Natalie a chance to go jumping in muddy puddles.


And I captured one of my favorite pictures taken with my new camera.


So there you go. That was the rest of March. Not all of it, mind you. I only upload about 1% of the picture I take, and not all of those make it to this blog. You can check out the rest of the photos (as always) by visiting my Flickr account.

Look out, April. Here I come…

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