Recording Session 2

As promised, here is the second installment of our early-morning sing-song recording session. I fear that putting too many of these videos together in the same blog post may very well doom many of my more feeble readers to Death by Cuteness, so here are just a couple more.

This is Emily merrily rowing down the stream. Hopefully her boat doesn’t fall apart as fast as the lyrics to this song did. Melly melly melly…

Here’s Emily venturing into the Hundred Acre Wood.

Hundred Acre Wood
Where Christer Robin play
We’ll find the Enchanted…
(we’ll find Enchanted)
There’s Eeyore and Piglet…
Winnie a Pooh
Winnie a Pooh
Winnie a Pooh
Willy nilly silly old bear

5 thoughts on “Recording Session 2

  1. I am just blown’ away by this child. Just keep doing what you are doing because it’s just amazing how far Emily has come under your’s and Jan’s tutelage.

  2. I can’t take it!!! She is so freakin cute!! I could watch a new youtube of Emily everyday. It always puts a smile on my face.

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