Degrees Of Separation

Facebook can be a colossal waste of time. Between the bottomless pit of useless groups, trivial Scrabble games, life-affirming vampire bites, and celebrity favorite-color movie compatibility personality tests, it’s a wonder how anyone who uses that site remains a productive member of society. I am addicted.

I made a genius attempt to curb my social network addiction. I resolved to only allow myself to check Facebook if I first did 10 push ups. This worked flawlessly for almost a week. I was ripped.

The thing I like best about the site is when people post photos. Especially old ones. Especially of me. So in an attempt to brighten the days of a few friends, I think I’ll start uploading some old photos. I rooted through my photo albums and decided to start with this one:

Herman Girls

These are my cousins (all six are on Facebook) and this photo was taken back in 1996. Kate and Raina were knee-high to a munchkin and they’re both in college now while Jennie is getting married in September (mazel tov!). I was in the middle of college at that point and now I’m a balding middle-aged father of two with a bad back. Good times. I’ll try and post a new way-back photo about once a week. Let’s see if that resolution lasts any longer than the push-ups.

6 thoughts on “Degrees Of Separation

  1. Thanks, Josh! Great idea. (Push-ups aren’t a bad plan, either!) I’ll see if I can find a couple of you in 1999!

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