We’re Back and We’re Tired

Hi all, we’re back. And it’s cold as a witch’s tit here! And we’re jet lagging (hence the 2am blog entry).

Florida was wonderful. Family and road trips and developmental milestones and airplanes and pussy cats. So much to tell. When I’ve had a chance to organize and upload all of the quality photos and videos, I’ll try and write a more thorough and entertaining entry – hopefully before we fly to England this Saturday! In the meantime, here’s a video of Emily performing the “Mount Everest” in GG’s living room.

Watch your head on the ceiling fan!

2 thoughts on “We’re Back and We’re Tired

  1. We miss you already. Florida will never be the same again. When shall you be returning? We want more Emily. More, more, again and again. We love you all.
    Nana and Poppi Phil

  2. Emily makes the cutest hat. What is she keeping in those adorable cheeks? And I’m glad the climbing expedition didn’t end in ceiling-fan carnage. . .although, if I made a claymation version of that video, that would be my preferred ending. Life is not claymation, however.

    BTW, my brother-in-law plays the climbing-up daddy game with my niece and nephews (well, did with the two oldest before they became big, hulking masses of big kid) – but it usually ends in the child being flipped backwards as they reach the stomach area. . .

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