New Year, New Look

Those of you with at least one functioning eyeball may have noticed that things look distinctly different around here. I have been scheming and plotting these changes for a long time but it has taken a two-week holiday from work to finally have the time to implement said changes. Waddaya think?

The impetus for this makeover was three-fold:

  • squash the plague of comment spam that has recently reared its ugly head on my MovableType blog. My diligence has kept it at bay and, hopefully, out of sight for you, my loyal readers.
  • try my hand at a new content management system – namely WordPress – out of sheer curiosity.
  • liven this place up with a smoother and more interesting look and feel.

What with the ringing in of the new year and the major family changes underfoot, there was no better time for this new look than the present. I hope you like it. That being said, there are sure to be many things around here that aren’t working quite right yet (like internal links, for example). I’ll be working my way through these over the coming weeks. If you see anything that needs to be fixed/adjusted, please let me know! I’ll be fine-tuning stylesheets and adding functionality little by little as I learn the ropes around here.

And for all you geeks out there, here are the technical details.

Platform: WordPress 2.7
Theme: Aeros 2.0 by Joe Fischler
Plugins: for WordPress, Flickr Manager, Global Translator, Tagline Rotator, Akismet
Things that haven’t changed: Lonex (host), Flickr (photo hosting), YouTube (video hosting), me šŸ™‚

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