My Wife’s Weight Problem

Jan used to be a competitive gymnast. When I met her, she had a killer belly.

52 months ago

I enjoyed that belly for many years. I eventually decided to marry that belly.

40 months ago

Then something went terribly terribly wrong. I don’t know if it was the beer or the Pringles, but as soon as we were married, Jan just let herself go. The belly had changed.

30 months ago

Thankfully, Jan saw the error of her ways and quickly worked to remedy the situation. After what seemed to be 9 months of Bad Belly Days, we were back to Washboard City.

15 months ago

It is therefore with a heavy heart that I am forced to admit in this public forum that my wife has once again fallen off the wagon. Blame the Pringles if you will. I blame myself.

1 month ago

This roller coaster must come to an end. I am tired of waking up and not recognizing the woman asleep beside me. Emily is ashamed to show her face at school. That is why I have called for this recent lapse of big-bellyness to be righted. We have the best medical practitioners working around the clock to solve this problem. Please include us in your prayers so that our suffering will come to an end by February 27, 2009.

It’s a boy!

15 thoughts on “My Wife’s Weight Problem

  1. Aw thats lovely! Conngratualtions! febuary the 27th is my brothers birthday! wat is it with you and stealing my family birthdays!

  2. I can’t wait, so excited, and such a beautiful belly it is, and attached to such a lovely lady. You do have good taste, my boy. And just in case, Uncle David Pell’s birthday is February 26.
    A boy, Mrs. Walker it’s a boy!!!!

  3. That’s fabulous news, congratulations. A little brother for Emily to look out for. Much love to you all. x

  4. Congratulations!

    You know that my mother and I follow the “adventures of Emily”, here from Brazil. Now my grandmother is living with us (she has 90 years old) and has also seen the photos and fun with this adorable little girl. She laughs a lot with the videos of Emily.

    We are all happy with the news. You are a lovely family and deserve much happiness! Hugs for everyone!

  5. Thank you, all of you, for your kind words. We’re very excited and hope you get to meet little Wolfgang (or whatever he’s called) very soon. Let’s hope he’s not a redhead…

  6. Hey congratulations! That’s fantastic news! Can’t wait to see the pics in late Feb/early March! 🙂

  7. If possible, tell Mr. Baby to hold out until March 16th. That’s when all the coolest people are born. Take me, for example. I am inordinately cool.

    P.S. !!!!!!

  8. love your commentary on the belly… a boy? can it be? your mum must be over the moom! xxx lots of love to you guys. besos

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