Would you feel cheated if I didn’t go into detail about our trip to England this past July? I’ll still post some photos and video. This proposed brevity isn’t motivated by any reason other than the fact that I’m tired. OK, fine. I’ll give you a little something.
Staying with family is always nice and this was no exception. 24-hour catering and live-in babysitters. Who could ask for more?
Highlights of the trip included Emily’s barrage of attention towards Chelsea the cat, amazing summer weather, frolicking in the garden, making the most of cheap yet cheerful paddling pool, our walk through the forest with Jan’s mum, meeting up with Garry (and not just to take advantage of his broadband), and my romantic day alone with Emily at a local petting zoo.
Photos were taken.
Browse through them here
Or sit back and enjoy a slideshow here
And here’s one of the many videos I took (I’ll spare you the petting zoo videos).
Got Your Nose