One Hundred Push Ups

I was listening to my muscles atrophying a few weeks ago while in the process of wasting my life away in front of the computer when I stumbled upon this interesting web site called one hundred push ups and I found myself instantly motivated. It had been a very long time since I partook in anything remotely resembling an exercise routine and that made me sad. I had found a new challenge.

After a few days of mentally preparing myself, I started with the initial test of seeing how many push ups I could do in a row. I maxed out at 13 and crumbled into a sweaty mess on the floor. Not bad.

I’m currently finishing up week 3 of the 6-week program (which I estimate should take me about 8 weeks to complete), but am already seeing a marked improvement in my strength. After week 2, there is another exhaustion test and I managed to reach 21 before crying. If all goes according to plan, I should be able to knock out 100 push ups in a row by mid September. OK, I just read that last sentence and am now back down on Earth again. I guess I’ll be happy if I ever get to 50.

2 thoughts on “One Hundred Push Ups

  1. Good luck with this! My girlfriend and I just finished up week 1. It seemed daunting at first, going from doing less than 15 in the initial test to doing ~30 the first day, but the rests make it doable. I’m fearful of the week 2 endurance test.

  2. Very cool. I can do about 40 push ups, but reading this inspired me to do my full 300 abs routine today, including the 40 pushups.

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