GG and Amy Media Catch-up

I just realized how long it’s been since I last posted photos here. Sorry about that. I’d better do something about it.

Last month, GG cashed in her birthday present from the family and came to visit us here in Barcelona with Aunt Amy as her chaperon. They stayed with us for a week and we had a wonderful time.

We pass this horse on the way to Parc de les Aiguas just up the road. Emily has to ride it every time. She doesn’t know that it would actually move and play music if we dropped some money into it. Please don’t tell her.

Hi Ho Silver

Emily and Amy had many quality conversations over the course of the week. From world politics and potty training to the effect of bottled water on the environment, no topic was left untouched.

Curb Sitting

Here we see Emily teaching GG how to download from BitTorrent sites and rip Sesame Street DVDs.

Surfing The Net

And here are Emily and GG sharing an intimate cup of tea.

Bath Tea With GG

And then there was the time when I was in the kitchen and Emily came up to me with a concerned look on her face and emphatically said something that blew my mind but, in the end, wasn’t what she was actually saying at all. It turns out she was saying, “Oh, sit! Fork!”

3 thoughts on “GG and Amy Media Catch-up

  1. I remember when I used to let Marli ride the horse outside the supermarket. I never put $ in and she was perfectly happy. Then one day, Don took her shopping and when she asked for a ride (probably by pointing–she was still pretty young), he put $ in. I never got away with it again:( I promise not to tell Emily until she is old enough to read this!

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