
Yesterday, I wanted to write about how tired I was, but I was too tired.

We made it home safe and sound from our extended American holiday on Wednesday but, as exhausted as a whore after the Republican National Convention, we all retreated to our respective beds and collapsed soon thereafter. Thursday was supposed to be a wash but I went to work all day anyway and, to my surprise, survived just fine while Emily and Jan played all day and went to bed at a completely respectable hour. We had apparently defeated the evil menace known as jet lag. Apparently…

I could not wake up Friday morning. I set my alarm with the idea of going into work again but my eyes would not open. I snoozed for another three hours and decided to “work from home”. Jan did the same (minus the work) and Emily racked up a total of 14+ hours sleep that night. We were far from jet lagless.

The three of us spent the rest of the day in a haze and tried our best to adjust to the new time zone. The plan was to slowly adjust our bedtimes over the course of the next few days, but Emily had other plans. After tricking us by going to bed like a perfect angel at 10:30pm, she woke up again at 1am and didn’t stop jumping / dancing / jabbering until around 4am. That sucked.

I’m not sure what day today is but I’m gonna go to sleep now and hope I’m rested enough to run rehearsals tomorrow (today went very well!). I’ll write again when the delirium passes.

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