In With The New

The Jews gave Chanukah gifts. The goyem gave Christmas gifts. The Spanish gave Reyes gifts. Yes, this holiday season was very profitable for our little girl.


A full month hasn’t passed since all the gift giving began so I figure I’m still within the statute of limitations to post adorable photos and video of the proceedings. Another big thank you to everyone for the wonderful musical instruments, building blocks, puzzles, implements of destruction, clothing, cash, supermarket checkout counters, stuffed animals of every genus and species, and all those books that come with that integrated musical side panel playing all our favorite nursery rhymes at the simple touch of a button.

10 Items Or Less

2 thoughts on “In With The New

  1. Just you wait ‘enry ‘iggins, just you wait. Well maybe he can wait, but I can’t wait to see our Emily in person. Nice to know that she is an experienced shopper, so we can go and shop til we drop. I can just see it now, fade in, WalMart SuperStore, and the loudspeaker begins “WalMart shopper alert, Emily and Nana heading toward toy department, all others must leave and allow them full access to play” Oh yeah, we will, we will rock them. :o)

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