16 Months

Happy 16 month birthday, Emily.

Emily and her parents spent most of her 16th month in the arctic tundra, aka England. A reunion with Chelsea the Cat was undoubtedly the high point for our little Dr. Dolittle, as was obvious by the replacement of ‘more’ for ‘meow’ at the number one slot on Emily’s Most Often Spoken Word list. It was great to see family and friends and get Christmas presents and eat home cooked meals (prepared by someone other than us), but it was absolutely dreadful playing the age old game of Pass The Infectious Disease with everyone in Jan’s family… but that’s a story for another blog post.

Chilly Willy

I’ve said it before and I’ll probably say it again: we can’t get over how fast our little girl is growing up. We see kids that are six months old and neither of us can remember Emily ever being that small / young / uncoordinated / weird looking. It’s a good thing we have this blog to remind us or we would have no option but to produce another child in order to relive those golden moments 🙂

I guess my favorite part of this past month’s development has been the newfound ability to finally answer questions. And not just with a head shake for no or a goofy laugh for yes – we’ve been there for months already. No, we’re actually getting proper grammatically correct answers. Kinda.

Me: Emily, would you like some water?
Emily: Neh (still accompanied by the appropriate head shake).
Me: What about milk?
Emily: Yeah! (still accompanied by the big smile and goofy laugh).
Me: And then it’s time for bed.
Emily: Neh.


Since we are seeing more progress in Emily’s language skills than in any other area at the moment, and since we received such positive feedback after debuting this new feature in last month’s birthday blog entry, I will continue to expand upon the easy-to-read table that has come to be known as Emily’s Communication Breakdown. New additions to the table are marked in red for your reading comfort:

Words in Emily’s vocabulary

  • baa (sheep noise)
  • ball
  • B-B-B
  • bye-bye
  • caca – all used diapers are pointed at and named this. Also used for anything dirty
  • cat – it’s a 50/50 chance she’ll say ‘cat’ or ‘meow’ when one shows up
  • daddy
  • dog
  • eep-eep (monkey noise) – very high pitch
  • eye
  • key
  • kick
  • mama
  • meow (cat noise)
  • mommy – slowly replacing ‘mama’. We’ve been working on this one for a long time
  • more
  • nay (horse noise)
  • neh – now accompanies the shaking of the head as the standard negative answer to questions
  • one
  • ppbbbttt (elephant noise)
  • quack-quack (duck noise)
  • ssss (snake noise) – snakes are very quiet at the moment, but there’s a definite hiss there somewhere
  • uh-oh
  • yeah – has finally replaced the goofy laugh as the standard affirmative answer to questions
Things that Emily can point out in a line up

  • alligator
  • banana – can easily pick one out of a crowded fruit bowl on command
  • bed
  • book – definitely showing signs of being a prolific reader. Thanks goodness she takes after mommy on this one
  • car
  • chair – Emily loves climbing and sitting on chairs and can’t wait to one day get one of her own
  • computer – the mere mention of this word in the living room will send Emily eagerly running into the office to sit on daddy’s lap and watch YouTube videos
  • Cookie Monster
  • dummy
  • Elmo
  • feet
  • fish
  • food
  • milk
  • orange – apparently one of her favorite fruits – daddy’s little girl
  • shoes
  • slide – number 2 favorite item at the playground. The feeling of autonomy from climbing the stairs and sliding on her own is nothing short of exhilarating
  • socks
  • swing – number 1 favorite item at the playground. Usually accompanied by a plethora of ‘more’s
  • table – she can just reach objects that are precariously left on the edge of a table and will happily fetch anything you ask for
  • train
  • water – always keep the orange sippy cup handy


New Year’s Eve Sofa Jump

3 thoughts on “16 Months

  1. OK, when I called to invite you to a ruly (that IS the opposite of “unruly”, isn’t it?) house party, and you made several excuses (Oh, the kids are asleep, Oh, Jan’s in her tracksuit, etc. etc.), NOBODY mentioned that there would be a New Year’s Eve sofa jump at Casa Zamrycki Clayton. Had I known that, I would have left all the sweaty drunkards at mine and snuck over to jump jump jump around with Nat(h)alie and Emily while you old folks battled it out for fake world domination.

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