Short Run

The video that I shot for HP a couple of months ago has finally been posted on their website so I’m now legally allowed to talk to you about it.

It was a really good experience making this video. First of all, any experience in front of the camera is good experience. You learn something new every time. Also, and probably more importantly, my colleagues in marketing now know that I not only manage online databases of technical specifications, but I’m also an actor. So with any luck, I might be seeing some repeat work in the future.

I hate seeing myself on video. Little things bug the heck out of me that most people probably won’t notice (unless you itemize them on a blog before showing the video); like bags under my eyes, silly walks, involuntary arm movements, and stray eye contact. I’m probably too hard on myself, but hey, that’s my job.

Anywho, in case you’re interested, here’s one of the videos:

The same video can be seen on the official HP website in the orange Training and Guides box, along with another video I shot that’s more or less the same but with a different cutter.

3 thoughts on “Short Run

  1. Wow! Look at all thsoe involuntary arm movements!

    Saying “amongst others” would have driven me insane. Also, your “cost” is so New York.

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