Bath Time

I normally get home from the office just in time to see Emily finish dinner and then I sweep her off to the bathroom for bath time – possibly my favorite time of the day.

Emily’s typical routine usually begins with her manically putting her clothes, one by one, on the toilet and then throwing them down on the ground. She will repeat this process ad nauseum. I have witnessed her repeat this about 20 times before I stop her for fear that her feet are getting too cold on the tile floor. But she would happily spend half an hour going back and forth from toilet to floor. This is just one of the many reasons why we suspect she may have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Or maybe it’s just the fact that she’s a Virgo.

OK, you know what? Instead of talking through her whole bath time ritual, I’ll just let you watch:

Bath time

One thought on “Bath Time

  1. Lovely bath time, what a great time for your bonding. She is so much like you were, enjoy.
    Can’t wait to see all of you. The countdown has begun.
    Love you all,
    Nana A

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