Good Day

I never blog from work, but I just had to tell you what a good day I’m having!

After a solid 8-hour sleep, I woke up, stretched, and had breakfast with my ladies. Emily was full of kisses. I got an especially nice kiss from Jan before I left for work. Mario, our doorman, told me that the construction going on outside our building was the installation of a new Bicing station, from which I will be able to pick up a bike and ride across town to the train station, saving me 10 minutes in the morning and allowing me to get some much-needed exercise. I briefly spoke to a very kind old lady on the bus – we didn’t say much, but she just seemed really sweet. Then, while riding the train to work, I watched a wonderful episode of Pushing Daisies in which Kristin Chenoweth and Ellen Greene sang a killer verse of Bridhouse In Your Soul! I then walked the rest of the way to work under the gorgeous autumnal Spanish sun. Ah…

6 thoughts on “Good Day

  1. Chenoweth rocks my socks off.

    I was just reading about a new bike sharing program in BCN for residents only. Sure is a great city.

  2. I think I was first exposed to her in You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown. But she makes everything she touches cuter. Even small appearances on shows like Frasier. So cute! Do you have the Wicked soundtrack? Do you want it? I am coming to see you, you know.

  3. Yeah, I heard a rumor that you might be coming to visit 🙂

    Thanks for the offer, but I’ve already got the Wicked soundtrack. And You’re A Good Man. And A New Brain. I do not, however, have the soundtracks for Steel Pier or Epic Proportions. So if you happen to have them lying around…

  4. No luck on those. Sorry. My flight leaves here 7:45pm tonight, though I won’t see you until tomorrow. So I’ll be “offline.” See you soon!

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