Laundry Day

Emily loves to help with the laundry. As soon as the clothing comes out of the washer and into the basket, she is there to industriously push the basket down the hall.

While the clothes are being gingerly hung up by someone who is tall enough to reach the clothesline, Emily is helpfully riffling through the damp pile, pulling out one article at a time, and tossing it across the room. We like to think that she is handing us clothes to hang up.

We aren’t able to hang up the clothing at the same blinding pace that Emily can “hand them to us” so we inevitably end up with a bathroom full of freshly washed clothes lining the floor. But this is where Emily’s Virgo nature comes out, for once the last article of clothing is thrown, she starts to fling them back into the basket again. Uninterrupted, she can repeat this process ad infinitum. We have observed her perform this same procedure with her toys in her toy box and, just today, two ice cream sticks in a shoe box – she must have thrown them in and out of the box about 12 times.

8 thoughts on “Laundry Day

  1. You know there are laws about child labor!!! I remember those days with William. The most fun is after you fold nd they think it would be fun to play with the clothes.

  2. She practices everything! First it was touching her fingers, then it was rolling, now it’s climbing stairs and walking. I was beginning to think she had obsessive compulsive disorder.

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