Seven Months

Happy seven month birthday, Emily.

Month seven: it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Never have Emily’s smiles been brighter nor her screams louder and more painful. So, where in the world is Emily this month?

  • She’s spending time with family. After spending an entire week with Jan’s parents at our place in Barcelona, Emily is currently in the middle of a two week tour around Florida, meeting many members of the wackier side of her family for the first time.
  • To arrive in the Land Of The Free, Emily had to take her very first trans-Atlantic flight. 18 hours from door to door (including a 10 hour flight from Milan to Miami) was a real test for our little girl – and for us! Having firmly woken up on the wrong side of the bed at 4am to start the trip, sleep deprived frustration allowed for more than a few crying spells on that fateful Alitalia flight. But I can also safely say that, thanks to her winning smile and animal magnetism, Emily definitely made more friends on that flight than enemies. We’re not looking forward to the flight back.
  • Emily is now sporting two teeth in the lower half of that gummy smile of hers. But it was only after the second tooth came through that the teething nightmare began. At first we weren’t sure if she was just practicing her impression of a 90 year old man, but her lip smacking, massive drooling, coughing fits, crankiness, and runny nose were actually hardcore signs of the imminent dental bombardment. The worst of it started once we had arrived in the U.S. – just in time to introduce our lovely new daughter to the rest of the family. Emily spent no less than three whole days doing nothing but screaming her head off in agony. She yelled so much that she actually lost her voice! Luckily the worst of it seems to have passed (for now) and we are left with what sounds like a seven month old Kathleen Turner.
  • The doctors suggested we introduce new foods to Emily one at a time to be able to diagnose any possible food allergies. We have successfully introduced apples, pears, carrots, sweet potatoes, bananas, avocados, and rice cereal into Emily’s regular diet. We unsuccessfully attempted to introduce some other type of cereal. Luckily we were eventually able to diagnose what was not agreeing with her and triumphantly put a halt to the four full days of crying and discomfort Emily was suffering. If you’re keeping score at home, between the two isolated fits of teething and negative food reactions alone, Emily spent one quarter of this entire month wailing like a banshee.
  • Along with the introduction of solid foods comes the appearance of solid poo. That was a surprise.
  • Thanks in no small part to the wonderful inner tube that Jan’s parents brought for Emily, our little girl is finally becoming a minute-sitter. Before this month, Emily was not able to sit for more than one minute at a time without taking a nosedive thanks to some inadvertent body jerk or the slow-but-eventual triumph of gravity. The force of gravity still comes out on top every once and a while, but now not only can she sit for extended periods of time unaided, but she is also making every effort to sit up on her own from a lying down position. Brow furrowed, eyes wide open, jaw locked slightly ajar, and hands held in fists, she’s probably about another month away from actually sitting up on her own. It’s only a matter of time before she’s doing abdominal crunches.
  • You know how, when they want to be picked up, babies lift up their heads, open their arms really wide, and thrust their bodies forward? Well Emily isn’t doing that yet. But almost! She has mastered the “reach for things that you want to hold” movement, and she has started gesturing towards people when she wants them to pick her up, but hasn’t quite worked out how to effectively communicate this. Look for an update next month.

If you’re quiet, you may be able to see
the wild Emily Zamrycki in her natural habitat

7 thoughts on “Seven Months

  1. So amazing this little Miss Emily, even with tears she smiles, and what a beautiful smile. She has won the heart of every person she has met along her way. See you soon Ms. Emily. we love you and are so happy you brought your folks with you for your visit here in the states.
    President of the Emily Zamrycki Fan Club

  2. Dude, I feel your pain…well, Emily’s pain. OK, so I don’t actually feel it, but Ella is going thru the SAME THING with the teething – I cannot imagine going through it in a different country! And on a plane. Good lord….if I may suggest infant ibuprophen, it works like a charm. 🙂

  3. What a great video — any videos or photos from Florida? Sounds like you guys had a great time; I’m so glad you were able to bring her to her first ever Seder.

  4. @Brian – Thanks for the advice. Infant ibuprophen is great, but like the rubber nose sucky ball, Emily HATES having medicine injected into her mouth. She does feel better afterwords, though 🙂

    @Marli – Yeah, we’ve got videos from Florida, but I won’t be able to upload them unti we get home sometime next week. Check this space!

  5. i wish i could’ve made it down to florida to see you guys, but i just got back to NY myself, lol. love you guys and hope the teething gets better asap!

  6. I can’t stop playing that video over and over again. I had it minimized for a moment the first time and only heard the mini Emily-poot towards the end. Expect many more views as I send it to all my friends with and without kids. What a hoot!

    And it was great seeing you and the family. I finally figured out who Jan reminds me of; it is Helena Christiansen.

  7. top tip… graval…this is the best for putting kids to sleep, and it comes in disolvable pills so can be added to bottle of water. Gave this to Leon on our way back from Canada and he slept for 6.5 of the 8.5 hour journey… We actually watched a film and read a paper!

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