Sibling Rivalry

I just looked at my daughter and asked her, “Hey, Emily. Which would you prefer: a little brother or a little sister?” In response, Emily looked me in the eyes and, without even a trace of a smile, made that noise you make when something is so gross that you pretend to vomit.

Edit: This was a purely hypothetical question. Jan is not pregnant (to the best of my knowledge).

4 thoughts on “Sibling Rivalry

  1. Careful now. This is how rumors get started. Trust that I would splash any big news like that on the front page (probably accompanied by tasteless photos). No, we were just hypothesizing.

  2. I’m glad you clarified – as soon as I read the entry I went back to see the “Jan was pregnant a year ago today” post to double check I hadn’t missed something!

    I’m really excited to see how much Emily has grown. Will she remember me, I wonder? (don’t worry, I’m not getting my hopes up)

  3. “Jan pregnant again!!” Wow, you gave us all a shock then!

    hey, how about some photos of all three of you together? I don’t think I’ve seen one yet.
    I was so sad I missed you in Outwell at Xmas.

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