Master Cleanse – Day 4

Still going strong.

Day 2 turned out to be easier than Day 1. I just coasted through Sunday, no problems.

Day 3 was interesting (as I had predicted) because it was my first day at work without eating. The cafeteria smelled really good, too. I played volleyball for a couple of hours. I’m not sure if that was a good idea or not, but I felt fine. Oh, and the salt water flush in the morning was not the best idea before my one hour commute to work. I tried to give it an hour before I left the house, but I guess that was 20 minutes too short. But fear not, both my pants and I survived the train ride intact. Barely.

Day 4 has been the hardest yet. Maybe because I’ve let down my guard. I was on my toes for the first few days, ready to fight off any hunger pangs that may arise. But they weren’t that bad. Even after not eating a single thing for four whole days! I’m now convinced that there won’t be any physical challenge here and that surviving this detox (like any other healthy diet) will be a purely psychological battle. I’ve never been on a diet before so I don’t have any first-hand experience with the difficulties that people say cause them to quit or give in to temptation, but I think that it all comes down to will power. Not physical strength or weakness or a “need” to eat things that are off limits. It’s all in your head. I now believe that I won’t have any trouble completing the 10 day program. The only thing that may get in my way is pure boredom. Drinking the same bittersweet concoction every few hours of every single day and walking around with my mouth constantly tingling from all the cayenne pepper can get pretty boring after a while. My friends Basia (who has also done the Master Cleanse) sent me an email today with a few pointers to make life more interesting:

  1. Drink the lemonade ice cold
  2. Warm it up
  3. Make ice lollies out of it

And those are basically my only options for the next six days. It’s getting to the point where I really look forward to the laxative tea at night just to break up the monotony. And speaking of the laxative tea… no, I’d better save the gory details for another blog entry. Maybe I’ll included photos 🙂

5 thoughts on “Master Cleanse – Day 4

  1. Im blogging my master cleanse experience too. I started the Master Cleanse on Jan. 7th and so far so good. I was first of all in the right frame of mind when I started. I’m on day 5 now. Everytime I get hungry I just sip on the concoction. It doesn’t taste bad really. This might sound weird, but when I think of “cheating” I go ahead and let my mind enjoy the thought of food–the taste, texture, smell. After a while the urge to eat dissappears. Good luck 🙂

  2. @Jackie – I’m happy to hear that it’s all going well for you. I can totally visualize what you’re saying about letting your mind enjoy the food. I think I’ll give it a try. It sounds lovely 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

  3. @Basia – My tongue has got a bit of a caked on white film over the whole thing, but not as bad as I had anticipated. Everyone had warned me of the tongue thing, but it wasn’t that bad. On Day 3 it was at its thickest. It felt like I was wearing a condom over my tongue when I drank!

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