Happy four month birthday, Emily.
Our little girl is growing so quickly. I am starting to fear that this disturbing trend will not be stopping any time soon. So, what tricks has she learned this month?
- In an ambitious impression of the Hoover Dam bursting, Emily can now produce drool at a frightening pace. Slobber rags must never be more than an arm’s length away. Can teething be far off?
- As with last month, the smiles are coming fast and furious. In addition to simple recognition-triggered smiles, Emily appears to be developing a very rudimentary sense of humor. Giggles, though still a rarity, promise to play a large role in the upcoming months.
- Having traded in the patented vacant stare, a newfound spatial awareness has Emily scrutinizing her surroundings at all times. She’ll sometimes enlist the new “lightning fast head turn” to zero in on random details/decorations. She has also developed a sort of sixth sense in that, if you enter the room without making a sound, Emily will turn to see who is watching her. Kinda scary.
- Manual dexterity is at an all-time high. Hold any object in front of Emily’s face and she will reach out for it, grab it, and bring it to her mouth. Both Mr. Hoppity and Jingly Bunny are constantly soaking wet.
- Though not able to accomplish the feat on her own yet, Emily has expressed a real desire to sit up. Like spotting a guy at the gym while he does his bench presses, a light guiding hand on her back can sometimes help a visibly straining Emily to achieve one full sit-up. She hasn’t acquired those rock-hard abs yet. Once in the sat position, it’s never more than about five seconds before she tumbles over to one side. Repeat.
- No “mama” or “dada” yet, but Emily’s vocalizing has produced such memorable hits as “agoo”, “oooooo” (with eyes super wide open), “mmmwww” (similar to ooooo but with the mouth closed and the upper lip hanging out way too far) “gggchch” (this is Arabic or Dutch, I think), and “the cat being violently squashed [extended version]”.
- If Emily is lying down and you want to help her to sit up, you have to push from behind because if you hold her by the hands or forearms and pull, she straightens her legs and goes directly to standing position. She loves this. Very few things bring more joy to Emily’s life than standing up. She hasn’t been able to maintain balance for more than three seconds yet but, with my hands on her sides, she will happily stand, bounce, duck, and lean for minutes on end – with her mouth wide open and smiling all the while.
- Saving the best for last, Emily decided to surprise us all on Boxing Day by rolling over from her back to her belly. Jan has been doing her best to discourage this milestone for weeks now for fear of never being able to let down her guard again. No more leaving Emily on the couch while we sneak off to dinner and a movie. But, as Frederick Wilconx said, “Progress always involves risk; you can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first base.” I’m ecstatic for the little girl. Is crawling far behind? Only time will tell.

On your marks…
well done emily! 4 months is truely the turning point for many things… real food fun is just around the corner! my advice? Crawling… discourage it! Leon was crawling at 5 months and I haven’t had a break since!
Wow not only looking left, but holding her head up high with dignity and grace. Happy 4th month !!!