What They Want

Alright, let’s see if I can start blogging again. So much has happened recently, it’s a shame that none of my readers have been able to read about it. I honestly find myself composing blog entries in my head every once and a while, but never find myself with enough time or energy to sit down and type the damn thing out. Let me tell you, some of those unwritten entries were funny!

Also, I’d like to publicly state that, contrary to certain rumors that have been floating around the internet recently, this site will not be changing its name to www.emzam.com – even though the domain name is currently available. I realize that the lion’s share of my entries have been Emily-based, but that is because my life has been heavily Emily-based. I will be making a concerted effort to write more about Jan and myself to maintain the site’s equilibrium and its solid fan base. But come on, how can I not write about this:

Look at that shayna punim

Who am I kidding? Readership of this page has gone up 20% since I started posting photos of the little Monster. I know what the people want.

3 thoughts on “What They Want

  1. 20% nothing- the whole world is waiting for the next pictures of Princess Emily. By the way we now have skype and a camera, can’t wait for Emily to be online when we are.
    Love you all, Nana Adrian

  2. you started that off by saying it would be a real blog, about what is going on with you and the family and all… liar

    but the shayna punim is quite adorable so i’ll forgive you

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