My Newest Extension

If you’re using Firefox instead of Internet Explorer as you all should be, allow me to share a new extension that has just made my life a heckuva lot easier. It’s called Pearl Crescent Page Saver and it lets you capture images of web pages in PNG format. Emailing screengrabs has just got a whole lot simpler. If you want the image on your clipboard instead of a file, you’ve still got your handy dandy prt scr key.

So for those of you keeping score at home, here’s my current list of extensions that make using Firefox even more of a dream than it already is:

Just thought I’d share the love.

4 thoughts on “My Newest Extension

  1. I use firefox at home even though i HATE the way it looks. I am a much bigger fan of Opera for appearance but it lacks the ability to auto-fill-in names from my Yahoo addressbook when I’m writing emails. when you’re not busy (ba-haha) try and find a fix for that one!

  2. Changing the look of Firefox is easy! There are hundreds of themes you can download to change its appearance. I personally like the look of the default skin but I think I spend more time looking at the content in the browser window than the browser itself.

    Oh, and if you haven’t already, “Tools > Options > Advanced > Begin finding when you begin typing” is probably my favorite single feature of Firefox. I don’t know why it isn’t enabled by default on new installs.

    [after many years of maintaining this blog and having comments left by friends, family, long-lost acquaintances, complete strangers, and random perverts from deepest darkest China, this is officially comment #500!]

  3. How do you not have Adblock on this list? For me, Adblock has got to be the single-most useful extension ever invented ever ever.

    And Find As You Type is one of those features that really set Firefox apart from IE, though they’ve stripped it down in Firefox 2.0.

  4. Oooh, I don’t like the sound of “Quick Find”. As for Adblock, I’ve never found the need for it. Firefox seems to inherently block all of the popups that may be out there. I maybe have to close one every other day. And given the sites that I frequent, I should be closing down a lot more.

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