
As the most observant of you have probably already noticed, I have added a new section to the navigation bar atop this blog. Behold the “photos” section! The idea is to create a homemade photo gallery that doesn’t rely on any remote web services (see: Flickr). It should be easy to navigate, integrate itself into the current blog appearance, and offer users the opportunity to download a high resolution version of any picture they like. Feel free to have a peek at the first stages of this cutting edge technology but keep in mind that this is very much a work in progress (at the moment, there isn’t even a link back to the blog). I’d like to eventually replicate all of the photos that are currently hosted on my Flickr account and add new albums every month or two. Any suggestions to make this better?

2 thoughts on “BananAlbum

  1. apart from the scrolling mechanism i dig it. call me old fashioned, but i’d prefer a traditional frame with a scroll button you have to click and drag or buttons. having it respond to mouse movements is annoying. eh.

  2. Nice. Any way to add a navigation header to the page to get back to other sections of (if not – add a link perhaps)

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