Overdue Date

Well, the prophetic September 1st has come and gone and still no Little Girl to show for it. We knew full well that the overwhelming majority of first babies tend to arrive later than their predetermined due date, but that knowledge hasn’t helped Jan sleep any better at night. We’re convinced that Little Girl is ready to come out, she just doesn’t know how. She’s been kicking and stretching and twisting like she wants to burst through Jan’s right side. We just need to point her in the right direction.

The other day we saw her slowly jabbing her big old foot outwards from just under Jan’s right-side ribcage. It was amazing! You could almost make out her five little toes. I wanted so badly to grab my video camera, shoot some major footage (ha!), and then edit the theme song from Jaws over it. But I didn’t. I tried to tickle her little foot and then, when she responded by moving her leg, I took the next logical step: I tried to suck on her foot by placing my lips on Jan’s belly and creating suction. For some strange reason, Jan was thoroughly grossed out by this and ended our little game prematurely. I think Little Girl was disappointed.

Jan says that she hopes that Little Girl arrives this Sunday because she doesn’t have anything else to do and Sunday’s are pretty boring anyway. That’s what she said last Sunday, too. But when forced to put our money where our mouths were, Jan placed all of her chips on September 7th while I confidently picked September 6th. In either case, the birthday draws nigh…

4 thoughts on “Overdue Date

  1. Hey dude. You guys in the hospital having a baby or something? Is that why you haven’t responded to my email? I hope so, for Jan’s sake!

    BTW, ‘neigh’ is the sound a horse makes. You mean ‘nigh’.

    Word geek,

  2. No, we’re not in the hospital yet. We went to the doctor this morning for a routine check up and he said, “Soon”. So we’re just at home chillin’. And waitin’. And prayin’.

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