Finally! Now that the last remnant of that rotting stubby stinky nub of black twig (also known as the umbilical cord) has finally dried up and fallen off our little girl’s lovely little belly button, we were officially able to bathe our stinky little angel.
Emily is an unpredictable lady. You never know what’s going to set her off crying. She absolutely hated it when we had to pour saline solution in her eye every five hours when she developed conjunctivitis last week. And if you’re not absolutely sure of yourself, she hates it when you change her nappy (like bees and bears, Emily smells fear). So we were ready for the worst when we introduced her to the idea of “getting wet” in her little baby tub.
But surprise, surprise: she loved it! Or maybe she was in an elevated state of shock and was unable to express either displeasure or joy. In either case, Emily behaved herself a treat and made it through her entire bath time without so much as a whimper. That’s my girl!
Dirty Baby
Confused Baby
Dry Baby
Clean Baby
Can she do any tricks yet???
congrats on having a full-sized bath tub!
Wow – she is beautiful, and growing so quickly! I think you should change the banner on your blog in her honor (come on – it has been a while!) What?? You are too busy changing diapers?
Somewhere there is a photo of you, with the same exact face as Emily in the Dry Baby photo. I’ve got to find it! Of course, you’re platinum blond in it, but nevertheless. Nana kept saying that she thought Emily looked like Jan, but I see a little of you in there. I’ll start the photo search.
I think she looks a lot like Jan too, but I wonder if that’s just because I’ve known Jan longer?
@Dick – Yes. She does this thing with three shells and a little ball. But she’s not very good at it yet. I can usually pick the shell with the ball under it.
@Meg – Waddaya think?
@Rebecca – I’d love to see that photo!
Love it! 🙂