Week 33

Not much time left, ladies and gents. We’re uncomfortably hot, retaining water (especially in our feet), and don’t think we should be working anymore. How’s that for sympathy?

Jan had this crazy idea that she’d teach an intensive English course for the entire month of July and rake in tons of moolah before kicking back with a piƱa colada while swaying in the breeze between two palm trees – also known as “maternity leave”. She started off fine, but now the 15 minute walk across town to the train station is enough to knock the wind out of her sails before she even reaches the classroom filled with screaming little Spanish Ritalin guzzlers. She’s been forced to take the week off and may go back to finish off the summer course next week – or she may not. Right now she’s maintaining her physical and mental health by knocking back Six Feet Under episodes with her pudgy little feet safely inserted into her new vibrating foot jacuzzi.

I’m glad Jan’s not working. First, I think she deserves the time off after surviving the arduous school year. And second, I’d never see her if she worked all morning thanks to my new job. What new job, you say? Allow me to tease you for now and fill you in later. In the meantime, here’s your moment of Zen:

Week 33: The growth spurt continues: by the end
of this week your baby could measure as
much as 43.7cm/17.2in long from top to toe.

6 thoughts on “Week 33

  1. Definitely the time for sitting back – in between soaking the feet, please sit with your feet up. I promise this will help with the swelling. Time will be here soon enough, and when I arrive, Jan will be able to enjoy the baby and I will pamper her.
    Okay so tell us about the new job, inquiring minds need to know. The suspense is as bad as anticipa ………..tion. See y’all soon.

  2. Ah if only my wife would stop working and put her feet up…but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, we are 9 days from the due date and she insists on continuing to work (albeit much fewer hours!). Stubborn brits I tell ya!

  3. Jan looks absolutely radiant! So happy the big day is getting close for you guys! I’m sending wishes for quick and comfortable labor for Jan! (My girlfriend just had her first baby and she delivered after 22 minutes! Wow!) My best to all! ~Meg

  4. She looks absolutely fab. Are you sure there is only one in there? Just look at those rosy cheeks. I hope you’re not in this just for the increase in bust size. All kidding aside, let me know if you need anything at all.

  5. She looks absolutely fab. Are you sure there is only one in there? Just look at those rosy cheeks. I hope you’re not in this just for the increase in bust size. All kidding aside, let me know if you need anything at all.

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