Tales From Lisbon

I was in such a rush to start my new job when I got back from Lisbon that I didn’t have time to tell you all about the trip. I’ll try to keep it brief:

Lisbon is a very nice city. A little run down in parts, a little falling down in others, but a very good vibe, nonetheless. Since it’s smaller than Barcelona, I’d say it was “walkable” if it wasn’t so darn hilly! The ancient trolleys carrying people up the many hills are charming – very useful from expectant mothers. The Portuguese love their salty fish to the point where burning sardines can be smelled all throughout the city. There isn’t all that much to “do” in Lisbon so, when we finished our checklist of “must see” tourist attractions, we found ourselves catching up on some much needed sleep and sampling more than our fair share of the local cuisine (which wasn’t as cheap as we’d expected!). A good time was had by all.

Spring is in the air.

For those of you interested, I’ve posted a new set of photos on Flickr documenting our five day journey. If you’re lucky, you might even get a sneak peek at “the bump” wandering around Lisbon.

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